Friday, June 15, 2012

Catching my Breath.

I'm stopping in to catch my breath.
I have been running from one thing to the next.
When Craft Weekend (read about it here) was finished I ran home... VBS, which started first thing Monday morning.
We finished up this morning. (I'm posting more about VBS next week!)
VBS is hard work...and I only lead the music.
With a dvd.
There are plenty of others who work MUCH harder than I do at their jobs.
We celebrated Bruce's Grandma as she turned 95 on Wednesday.
In my heart she's as much my Grandma as she is his.
I love this lady as much as I have loved my own grandparents.
We had angel food cake with strawberries.
Great Grandma's favorite.
Grandma's request for her birthday was that the family that was able to come, come for a picnic.
I love that she chose us to celebrate with.
No big party.
Just us. Together in the park. On a Wednesday.
Her real birthday.
Today is my Dad's birthday.
I am having fond memories of our time together last year when we celebrated at the beach. 
I wish we could be anywhere with you today, Dad.
But mostly right now I just wish we were at Britt's Donut Shop.


  1. Great to see Grandma Jost on the blog!

  2. such a pretty....lovey dove...feel good post. :)

  3. Beautiful post! I ALWAYS love seeing pics of the hands of grampas and grammas. So many years of serving her/his family with those hands...

  4. Shew, you have been one busy lady! Looks like you have had lots of good times though and that is what life is all about!!!

  5. Oh, I love that she chose to celebrate with you! I would chose your sweet family too!

  6. Sounds like we've been leading similar far as busy-ness goes :) I'm thinking I can rest in July/August...hope you get some rest much sooner. Like today.

  7. Grandma Jost looks good! Fun to see a family picture! Love to all-Janice


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